Conversations take 80% of First-Time Managers’ time and so they are not the vehicle…
Conversations are the GOAL!
Conversation mastery makes all the difference, and to be great at conversations they need to practice, since their daily life experience, alone, is not EFFICIENT.
Practical immersive training is what can make all the difference in your First-Time Managers upskill strategy: they practice, learn, gain experience. Fast.
To learn more about
“The Gym of The First-Time Managers”
please schedule now your discovery call:
Want to know something more about this powerful solution?
I’m sure you know the meaning of Immersion, Trial & Error, Powerful Feedback, Actionable Metrics, Smart Coaching.
However, it makes sense that I introduce them to you in the most appropriate way.
“The Gym of First-Time Managers” is comprised of four main components. Let’s explore them one by one, starting with immersive practice.
Real-time interaction with professional actors is the cornerstone of authentic simulation.
Andrea’s note: Real and professional actors are the cornerstone of authentic simulation.
This is the most important part of the recipe, by the very admission of the best trainers in the world.
Did you know that our brain does not distinguish between reality and fiction?
Neuroscience has confirmed that immersive, real-time practice makes you change your habits and thus also your daily behaviors.
Through the use of artificial intelligence (A.I.), the interaction in this Gym is particularly immersive and authentic because the characters are ‘alive’ and react in a natural way throughout the course of the conversation, just like a real conversation. This is the trademark of SkillGym method.
“The Gym of First-Time Managers” simulates real leadership conversations by placing the trainee at the center of a real (but simulated) conversation.
In this way, in less than 20 minutes natural behaviors emerge that can be addressed during training to learn how to manage this type of complexity before facing it in real life.
What if you could eavesdrop on your skills?
Andrea’s note: Real and professional actors are the cornerstone of authentic simulation.
In life, we don’t have the privilege of knowing what others think of us after the conversation has ended.
How nice would it be to eavesdrop?
To find out, in a safe place, where we could have done better and why it didn’t go as we thought.
“The Gym of First-Time Managers” offers us this privilege!
For 2 minutes, immediately following the conversation and thanks to the A.I. Emotional Feedback, trainees can hear the character talking about them. Not in general terms, but with precise references to the conversation that has just ended.
This provides insight to the manager on exactly what worked and what didn’t in their approach.
Nobody in real life has the courage to give us such unfiltered feedback. Here’s how A.I. helps us improve and develops real experience.

What if you could objectively measure your behaviors?
Andrea’s note: Real and professional actors are the cornerstone of authentic simulation.
Imagine being able to:
1) Measure the effectiveness of your behavior;
2) Understand how much Self-Awareness you have and what you underestimated or overestimated;
3) Understand at what aspects you performed poorly;
4) Measure your Competencies as applied during the conversation;
SkillGym’s A.I. generates all of this automatically at the end of each simulated conversation to be used in the Analytics module, which is an integral part of the training platform.
Looking at yourself from the outside is a superpower!
Andrea’s note: Real and professional actors are the cornerstone of authentic simulation.
Can you imagine if you could review the conversations you had in real life?
From a third and neutral point of view.
What if you could have the magic of augmented reality helping you understand the meaning conveyed by the other party as well as grasp their unbiased reactions?
Imagine if you could also read the hidden meaning of their body language.
What if you could have commentary on all of your behaviors and an astute recommendation on how to improve on each behavior?
First-Time Managers need to practice conversations even more than in-role managers do.
Conversations are where managers will spend 80% of their time once in-role.
These conversations are the way to guide, inspire, support and listen to others.
There are basically four areas in which they will need to demonstrate excellent capabilities of conversation:
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And they will soon find out (normally the hard way) that their new reports expect the same listening, feedback and support capabilities from them as they expected from their leaders when they were individual contributors.
A First-Time Manager is estimated to spend over 800 hours in the first 6 months just making conversations.
Roughly 90% of everyday leadership conversations can be categorized into one of the following eight types:
Which ones?
– Align/Update
– Assign objectives
– Coach / Mentor
– Give performance feedback
– Delegate
– Motivate
– Give recognition
– Support on priority setting
“The Gym of First-Time Managers” focuses exactly on these conversation. That’s why our clients love it!.
Why don’t you listen directly to the opinion of one of our customers who trained their managers in our Gym:
Click to view a short video interview with Paolo Ronchi.
Paolo is the responsible for the ‘management upskill‘ project at Novozymes. He explained me in this video his vision about the people development strategy and how our Gym helped his organization to improve the key conversational skills of the leaders.
And here are more voices taken from our customers:
“The characters are so real! I mean… it was like dealing with certain employees I know so well.” – Amy – Sales manager – Bank
“Practicing takes the entire learning experience to the next level, it’s absolutely worth doing it.” – Henry, Chief Learning Officer – Retail
“Metrics are really sharp and I was able to turn the learning experience of my trainees into a measurable result.” – Josh – Training specialist, Transport
“In fact, I could see in my daily routine the impact of certain recommendations coming from the simulations, since the very early weeks of training.” – Jackie – Project manager, Constructions
“Very well done. The stories are really well designed, engaging and meaningful. Well done, folks!” – Veronica – Training manager, Business school
Imagine what it means to accelerate up to 10X the speed at which we transform experience into new automatic behaviors.
Your First-Time Managers would become great performers in a much shorter time, with a very strong self-awareness of their potential and their limits and a very high level of confidence, with which to face the obstacles that will accompany them throughout their career.
But… wait a minute… why don’t you test it yourself?
To learn more about
“The Gym of The First-Time Managers”
please schedule now your discovery call: