Designing a Meaningful Conversational Leadership Curriculum

A consistent training program to develop the leaders of tomorrow requires a consistent design around the values, the skills and the type of conversation they need to master.

Conversational Leadership is gaining daily in popularity. And there is a good reason for that. Conversations are the energizing fuel of leadership, even if organizations sometimes discover this the hard way when leaders underperform in their duties of motivating, leading and supporting employees through this important asset. The old saying, “people don’t leave bad companies, they leave bad bosses” remains true.

However, in witnessing the growing development of Conversational Leadership literature, such as books, articles, webinars and the like, too many organizations are still facing the dilemma of how to integrate effective training to support development in a smart way.

Developing leadership, and specifically on Conversational Leadership, requires more than a general vision of the subject and a list of best-practice tips to be applied as needed to some of the most common difficult situations.

If your goal is to establish a robust structure for Conversational Leadership empowerment, you can’t just rely on framing the issue of “critical conversations” as something you solve with some best-practices and deliver a few days of class to just let your trainees know how they should cope with it. Instead, you need to consider addressing the entire subject in a smarter and more structured way.

Join Andrea Laus and Matteo Malatesta, from SkillGym, for a discussion on developing a comprehensive Curriculum: one strategic plan based on a consistent vision, outlining all the elements required to cover not just the shortcuts, but also and mainly, the real pillars of sustainable skill set development.

In this webcast, we will talk about:

  • Areas of leadership empowerment upon which to develop conversational mastery
  • Leadership values around those areas, to make sure that the training delivers skills aligned with and respecting key values
  • Types of conversations to practice with that cover the four areas of empowerment
  • Topics that these conversations can address
  • Types of people (“characters”) with whom the conversation, whatever it is, may take place
  • Styles of leadership to apply
  • Skills to train to master conversational leadership



May 13th, 2019

Andrea Laus and Matteo Malatesta, SkillGym



Andrea Laus

CEO, SkillGym

Andrea has 20 years experience in the industry of digital learning. Since over 10 years now he designs and develop interactive simulations featuring video and AI to bring immersive and authentic digital experiences to leadership coaches worldwide.


Matteo Malatesta

Head of Business Design, SkillGym

Matteo is head of business design at Lifelike. He supports the product design teams, bringing the voice of stakeholders to the discussion thanks to his international experience in the learning and development industry and his human-centered approach.