Planning Leadership Training
for success:
12 Best Practices from the field

When designing successful leadership training programs, contents weight for less than 30% in determining whether it will be a success or not. All the rest is about the strategy of implementation.

We have seen too many training programs on leadership fail, despite the fact that their contents were absolutely stunning. The reality: the content matters only when the overall implementation strategy is successful. And implementation strategies are not about the content.

People are increasingly in demand for ways to learn faster and to correlate their learnings with their daily activities. The days of “knowledge-transfer is the answer” are gone and if you want to make sure that your contents get digested and turned into a real and measurable performance, you need to work harder on the way you deliver it and the way you involve your trainees along the way.


Unfortunately, still too many programs are designed the old way and very often too little effort is devoted to working around the content by designing actionable strategies and comprehensive ways to keep trainees engaged.


Join Andrea Laus and Matteo Malatesta, from Lifelike, for a discussion on the most successful best practices as seen in the field about the smart implementation of leadership training programs and discover what works and what doesn’t.


In this webcast, we cover 12 best practices that you really can’t ignore if you want your training program to score among those unforgettable experiences you would like your trainees to tell home about.

  • How to implement actionable training experience
  • How to leverage smart metrics
  • How to turn top management into a great endorser
  • How to generate pieces of evidence that speak loud about the value of your program
  • And more



Jun 6th, 2019

Andrea Laus and Matteo Malatesta, SkillGym



Andrea Laus

CEO, SkillGym

Andrea has 20 years experience in the industry of digital learning. Since over 10 years now he designs and develop interactive simulations featuring video and AI to bring immersive and authentic digital experiences to leadership coaches worldwide.


Matteo Malatesta

Head of Business Design, SkillGym

Matteo is head of business design at Lifelike. He supports the product design teams, bringing the voice of stakeholders to the discussion thanks to his international experience in the learning and development industry and his human-centered approach.